Saturday, September 22, 2018

More than a Coach

After 23 years of coaching, I can really start to appreciate coaching for what it truly is. It has little to do with the skills and sports being taught, but so much more about showing kids that it’s ok to be teenagers and how to grow past that and be great adults. I’m proud that I’ve been privileged enough to have been a part of high school, college and military graduations, weddings, births, and some awesome moments in my kid's lives.
Tonight was no different. I have known Mike and Brandi for 15 years and watched their kids grow up. I’ve been privileged enough to coach a few of them and then have Jess come back and be an assistant coach with me. I’m proud of the wonderful young women she’s become and grateful for the help over the last three years. I’m so very glad I was able to be here tonight for her and Jacob’s wedding. It’s a good feeling to be at a wedding and look around and know that the bride and groom are surrounded by loved ones.
Jess and Jacob, you have married your best friend. Marriage is tough at times and fun at times, but remember that everything is easier when you share it with your best friend. When things are good it’s good and when one of you stumbles, pick them up and dust them off and love them anyway. Lean on each other, always hold hands, and share your love every day. Don’t linger on grudges and never take life too seriously. It’s not a race, the goal is to make to the end together with memories and a life of love. Thank you for including me in your special day. I love you guys! 

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